W3 Company - Index of Service Stories  Kōrero (nō te) pakanga

Stories are indexed for easy reference, scroll down for titles 

acknowledgements and disclaimers            recording and publishing protocol

contribute or add to a story..?

photo gallery index

tour summarised - the Boss's notebook...
training and deployment ops while with 6RAR ops while with 2RAR
visitors to W3 farewell address to W3 Coy commendation from Gen Abrams
operational background explained...
NZ deployment timeline glossary of abbreviations and slang operational terrain and visibility
1ATF Country Brief 1970 maps of operational area   photo Nui Dat 1ATF explained   
the enemy explained equipment and weapons record of W3 operations
how did W3 measure up..? health and welfare of New Zealand servicemen in Vietnam
post-operation preparations

thoughts on jungle warfare by an infantry platoon commander

Agent Orange debacle

navigation and indirect fire control under the canopy

Logistics in Vietnam

common VC booby-trap markers

Record of W3 casualties

books of relevance to SVN and W3 Coy are reviewed here and here

W3 operational diary with locations and timeline
activities for Nov 69 activities for Dec 69 activities for Jan 70
original contact reports Nov 69 original contact reports Dec 69 original contact reports Jan 70
activities for Feb 70 activities for Mar 70 activities for Apr 70
original contact reports Feb 70 original contact reports Mar 70 no contacts reports for Apr
activities for May 70 activities for Jun 70 activities for Jul 70
original contact report May 70 original contact report Jun 70 no contact reports for Jul 70
activities for Aug 70 activities for Sep 70 activities for Oct 70
no contact reports for Aug 70 no contact reports for Sep 70 original contact report for Oct 70

activities for Nov 70

As further details or reports may become available the timelines remain open for comment and correction.  See this template to understand the original contact reports.

no contact reports for Nov 70

this diary uses three official sources from the Australian War Memorial Museum on-line archives, being a.) the daily operations officer CP log [recorded as it happens so can have errors in receipt and transcription], b.) a contact after-action report submitted days after a contact where the engaged commander explains what happened from his point of view [likely the most accurate detail but liable to incorrect detail, omission or brevity], and c.) the unit operational report for each operation produced progressively some time after all other reports are submitted [may have details corrected but still have errors in transcription].  Extracts from the tour book of both ANZAC battalions and other correspondence whether private or published including on this website is included. 
original documents for W3 Coy preparation and time in South Vietnam
main body movement order main body flight nominal rolls Coy in-theatre training programme
main body programme Nov 69 equipment issued to soldiers Coy Op Order for APC familiarisation
B Coy 1RNZIR nominal roll 1 Oct 69 individual ammunition scales action on return from operations
anti-malarial precautions prevention of disease [2RAR] W3 standing orders Horseshoe base
TPM - instruction to cease Dapsone rules for Peter Badcoe Club Vung Tau W3 orders Nui Dat base
lighting in tents, washing machines    

operational stories...

body count - finally..! 'contact contact wait out' blunder that killed 60 troops
2RAR - first battle and casualty Chieu Hoy and Kit Carson Mentioned in Dispatches
mortar section with 6RAR mortar section with 2RAR CASEVAC demo
B-52 strike on Long Hai Mountains the Rear Party Dave Wright contact
3Pl accident 10 October 1970

    Introduction and Background to Research

    Part 1:   Research, Environment and Forces Involved Part 2:   Activity 4 - 9 October
    Part 3:   Events Morning 10 October Part 4:   Events Afternoon 10 October
    Part 5:   Events 11 - 14 October and Casualties  Part 6:   Official Investigation and Conclusions 

Voices from Vietnam - W3 Chapters [read background]

Chapter 6 - Sgt D. King 1Pl Chapter 20 - WO2 D. Mackintosh CSM Chapter 33 - Mrs R. Upton of 1RNZIR
personal journeys...
David Wright commemoration Tom Cooper remembered Jack Broughton
losing friends small beginnings and Baria orphanage "I'm So Sorry, Uncle Albert.."
welcome home - yeah right..! stupid protestors MFC 85B
Milo and mates a matter of principle dining with the Colours (2010 reunion)
in trouble a long night with Con nhim morphine syrettes and dust-off’s
Isabel Beaumont NZ Red Cross family/whanau stories index personal journey - Peter Anderson

casualty of the fire fight in the W3 cookhouse

good yarns...

missing headcount go figure animal stories...
Long Son boats and the Admiral caught in the rubber cook with the Purple Heart
remember these..? seen in black stealth and locstats
barbed wire and bad teeth Malaysian riots 13 May 1969 relevant Vietnam war book reviews
newspaper articles - Malaya 69 2RAR's car park at FSPB Tess list of other W3 publications
Christmas 1969 FSPB Picton tiptoe through the minefield pioneer who destroyed a longdrop

poems documents and other stuff...

Peter Anderson poems

W3 Company written records verse of contemplation
document repository
[submitted by W3 personnel]
2008 - Official Crown Apology must read - End of Tour Checklist
2008 - NZDF  and  RNZRSA apologies
  medical conditions and links for advice 2010 Reunion details
Oroua Downs pupils poetry we will remember more than our dead 2015 Reunion details

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SOP on contributions to website                   [also see 'I Was There' - add a comment]
1. write the story the same way you would tell it over a beer.  Embellish it as much as you like - its your story, you enjoyed it then so why change now..! 
2. any topic is good, from start to finish of your army time, to things since, illness and other challenges, personal triumphs.  Family members are welcome to contribute.
3. send it to the website by either email or letter, see the details here.  You can expect an acknowledgement.  Send as many as you like, the more stories the more we can perhaps understand it again.
4. include photos if these help the story - if you post stuff write your name and address, phone No etc on the back so they can be returned and acknowledged.
5. the webmaster will scan the photos and type your story onto a webpage and add a comment to the 'changes made' page.  The webmaster will decide style, layout etc that suits the story and check the content for suitable language and other politically correct things....
6. roger, over..?

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